Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2014

I've bought a car!!!

I purchased a car on Saturday without even looking at it (When I arrived at the garage (which is only 36km from here they told me that the car was away right now and they would let me know when it gets back but I could try the same model...).  I don’t care anymore – I am desperate for a car - I sign anything blindly. 
Today was the day the car was back - I managed to get a lift to Perrusson and dit a little test drive. I don’t know how this car could do an extra  2500 kilometres in the past 4 days, but - well - who cares about minor questions like that –  and the Odyssey with the car – it is now a 6 weeks long nightmare – will hopefully be over in a week's time when I can pick up my very first and hopefully last car ever in my life.

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