Sonntag, 19. Januar 2014

Im Dunkeln

Auf dem Rückweg von der Kletterhalle fotografiert. Wieder zu Hause gleich ein handliches Stativ bestellt, denn aus der Hand halten geht einfach nicht (jedenfalls nicht, wenn einem vor Kälte bei Fahrradfahren ohne Handschuhe die Hände fast abfrieren).

Freitag, 10. Januar 2014

The Yellohammer Cake

I've made another viva cake. It's a summary of Dawn's thesis. On the winter side of the cake there are yellowhammers looking for seeds on stubble fields some yellohammers are using a feeder (the seeds are underneath a wire mesh, so that only small animals can access them). On the summer side I planted a hedgerow  because yellowhammers seem to like them. Gail helped creating a grassland area with lots of creepy crawlies for the birds to eat. I also made a tree with a nest (only later I learned that yellowhammers seem to prefer hedges for their nests. Ouch).

 Yellowhammer on stubble field in winter.

Icing sugar and glitter = snow.